Wednesday, December 17, 2008


All I gotta say is who the fuck names their kid Adolf Hitler? What a couple of absolute assholes. Look, I've long ago made peace with the fact that this world is populated by a significantly high percentage of absolute morons. With all due apologies to the bell curve, I'm not convinced intelligence is really laid out that way. I think there's quite a bit of skewing to the low end.

Thus, it doesn't surprise me that there are still people in this world who know so little about human life and biology that they actually think that one group of people is superior to another. It doesn't surprise me that these people find some comfort in wearing sheets while attending their regular meetings of village idiots. It doesn't even surprise me that they find Nazi symbolism "cool." Heck, even serial killers have fan clubs and trading cards.

But to name your kid Adolf Hitler is beyond ignorant. In my days as a shrink, I used to administer intelligence tests on occasion. I'm pretty certain that the instrument cannot measure intelligence this low. I mean, it's one thing to make your own political statement. You love Hitler? Fine. Change your own name to Hitler as an adult and deal with the consequences. By why would anyone who even remotely cares about their child name him Hitler? Now, in addition to having a hard time getting a birthday cake, the kid is going to have to deal with all kinds of abuse and taunting through no fault of his own but simply because he's the product of two lobotomized parents.

The dad says they named their kid Adolf Hitler just because he like the name. Sure. Okay. I buy that. You're not really a narrow-minded white supremicist. It's just a cool name. I guess that's why you named your daughter JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...This planet really could use another good mass extinction.


DanG said...

We had a guy here name his kid after him; so then we had Atilla The Hun (Last Name) Sr. and Atilla the Hun (last Name) Jr. They were both screwed up. We used to haul Sr. in the ambulance from time to time when he od'ed and some of his chemical productions. Fotunately they have left the area. I agree that whoever names their kid that kind of name should be nailed to a stump and pushed off backwards.
Should stop them from breeding

DrDon said...

Dan - That cracks me up! Atilla the Hun? What gets into people? The only good thing about Atilla is that he's less recent than Hitler. There's probably a lot of people who don't know much about him.

Personally, I'm thinking of changing my name to Vlad the Impaler.