Friday, September 26, 2008

Letterman Top 10

Okay, I said I was going to stop with the political talk but seeing David Letterman's Top Ten list form last night cracked me up so I had to post it. These are:

Top Ten Surprising Facts About Sarah Palin presented by residents of Wasilla, Alaska

10. Sometimes Sarah calls John McCain "grandpa"

9. She stole that sexy librarian look from me-Grasshopper Aviation Pilot, Dave Glenn

8. Recently passed legislation to build a bridge to Funkytown

7. Does great impression of Tina Fey

6. Favorite meal: moose nuggets and beaver jerky

5. Working on "Knight Rider" spin-off about a talking snowmobile

4. Favorite book? "Late Show Fun Facts" -- available at fine stores everywhere

3. Once spent a week in the hospital after attempting to put lipstick on a pit bull

2. To improve her foreign policy experience, she recently went to the International House of Pancakes

1. Only person I know who's not afraid to go hunting with Dick Cheney

I particularly like # 10 and #2.

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